Homeward bound: Dancing the Ice and Back – Debriefing after the Mission…

Photo: Starseed So La Kin as seen this afternoon, July 25 2022 at Cape Canaveral/The Zimbabwe Aloe Garden at Big Tree Harare

“Every day’s an endless stream
Of cigarettes and magazines
And each town looks the same to me
The movies and the factories
And every stranger’s face I see
Reminds me that I long to be
Homeward bound”
~ Simon & Garfunkel

Good to be home folks! Safe landing? Yours truly Starseed So La Kin at home at Cape Canaveral/The Zimbabwe Aloe Garden, Big Tree Harare  July 25 2022. Typing up this post at NASA, Big Tree Harare. “Been away a while, coming back later” What a ride!! Kudos to the pilot Cape Canaveral. Good to be home America. Regards to the First Office, Mr. President Obama.

Left: Tuesday, November 4, 2008, somewhere between Mowbray and Observatory, Cape Town
Returned: Sunday, July 24, 2022, Big Tree Harare, Monavale, Harare
Time taken: 5011 days or 13 years, 8 months, 21 days including the day of return.

The blink of an eye Mr. President Joe Biden, sir aka the People of America and Planet Earth. Couple of pit stops along the way Dancing the Ice. Constitution. Hint: keep one, bin two. “One small thought for man a paradigm shift for mankind Neil Armstrong.”

Travelled the Universe. Clocked – the universe’s first – free solo deep space astral travel. Found some friends along the way.

Equipment NASA: Milton H. Erickson, psychoneuroimmunology and self-hypnosis patter – “I shall use all my conscious and unconscious resources to find out everything there is to know about Life, the Universe and Everything Douglas Adams. For the benefit of all sentient and non-sentient life. Constitution.” ~ Area 51, Enterprise Rd., Harare – somewhere between 2001 and 2002 – Base Camp FYI NASA.

Hitchhiker’s welcome Taylor Swift – a long dark teatime of the soul on me anytime – my light in the darkest night.